React, Angular, and Vue.js are developing very quickly, and e-commerce developers need to constantly learn new technologies to meet user expectations. And to set trends, reduce costs, automate processes, and launch new services, developers need to learn and implement new technologies at least twice as fast.

SitLeading UX-designers and Frontend-timers will share their tips on how to speed up development and tell us what kind of design should come to the layout. We will talk about how to choose a user-friendly framework for e-commerce development, make a rubber layout in Figma, design component libraries and use the product component approach in design and development to optimize speed and quality.

Design Manager


At the intersection of design and layout. How to solve the problem of low quality
At the conference we will talk and discuss the thin line between design and layout, listen to the opinion of the most respected designers and front-end developers of the digital market about what it takes to translate design into “live” layouts and how a designer can anticipate the front-end to prepare a layout.
Conference Schedule

React vs Vue.js vs Angular: What Frontend developers write modern e-commerce on

Rubber design and rubber layout. Master Class

Frontend: A product (component) approach to framework-based e-commerce development