Defining the end goal of your career is the first and most important step on this path. With a clear end goal, you will be able to get more interviews and be more successful among other job seekers. Yet, there is a burning question: where to start? How to define the career goal exactly? Several steps will help you to achieve this aim.
- Crafting a resume
Creating a resume for your career is a vital step. No matter how much work experience you have, a good resume is a key to a successful job search. It will help organize all your experiences and have a clear image of what you are capable of and what you need to achieve.
Naturally, you want to make your resume look good. There is no better way to make it look professional than to trust the task to the experts. Not only will they make your resume look neat. The service will also optimize your resume for ATS bots.
This resume scanning software filters applications in a very specific way. Therefore, you may want to get professional help. Many services can offer to craft a winning resume. If you want a top resume, you may apply to ResumeService 24 or one of the similar career resources. The provided help cannot be overestimated in your job search.
You may dedicate some of your time to searching for the best one. For example, you may learn more about good resume examples to find the most appealing service for you. Once you complete your bot-beating resume, it is time to plan a path toward your career goal.
- Initial research
You need to explore the job market and search for the existing opportunities. Maybe you already have a particular career in mind. Or do you want to learn more about a certain professional field?
Learn more about what kind of qualification is required. What type of soft and hard skills are needed. What are the responsibilities and working environment? Finally, what are the perspectives of a possible career?
These questions should outline the vector toward your career goal and make it look reachable. The next step is not to narrow your choice and create a developed plan.
- Compare the choices
After choosing several career options, you need to compare them and stop at one that fits you. In this step, reflect on your personal preferences, strengths, and weaknesses.
Which career fields may your talents contribute to? What shortcomings do you need to improve to achieve success? The field may include a regular and an online job.
This comparison aims to determine which career path you would follow. It is not only about fulfilling the duties and gaining positions. You need to improve your qualification and dedicate time to learning the field’s nuances. Choosing the path that makes you feel the most comfortable is another piece of a well-developed career plan.
- Define short-term goals
You have explored the career field and chosen one or several options. Now, it is time to set short-term goals to achieve them. You may spend as much time as you need. However, the short-term goals require a set period. The best gap is three to five years.
Within this time, decide what you want to improve. There are several areas to dedicate your time:
- Learning. Look for the specialized knowledge you need for the desired position.
- Gaining experience. What practical key skills do you need to obtain before moving forward?
- Сhoosing your next position. Your end goal may require several steps in your career. Plan what your next position will be and how to acquire it.
- Professional membership. Consider how professional membership may aid your career advancement.
You may enter from the entry position in the career field or even start as a trainee employee to gain the necessary knowledge.
You need this period to build up the basis of your career growth and enrich your resume with additional information. In that way, you will have more chances to compete with other job seekers.

- Create a roadmap for long-term career goals
This step may require the help of a career advice expert or a recruiter. This roadmap will include what positions you need to pass to reach the end goal. And what kind of specific experience and knowledge do you need to have?
This step may seem vague, but it is necessary to imagine your long-term goals. This step also includes learning what personal qualities you need to achieve the set goal. Your soft skills development will invest in your career equally to the professional expertise.
- Remain flexible
Your goals and tasks are not set in stone. The job market changes constantly, and you need to adapt to these changes. Besides, your personal preferences may change over time. Therefore, be sure to check your plan from time to time and make adjustments.
Do not forget to congratulate yourself on your progress. It is easy to become frustrated due to the lack of significant accomplishments. Yet, each successful step toward your goal is a good occasion for celebration.
Another element of successful achievement of your goals is to make goals smarter. The goals should be specific and measurable. When you state a plan, you need to see an actual result. Besides, the goals should be reviewable and realistic. After your accomplishment, you want to see how it has contributed to your professional development.
Final tips
Even if you are still unsure in which career field to enroll after careful career planning, you may want to keep gaining experience. Networking with professionals through social media and recruiting firms may help solidify your choice.
If you keep the right attitude toward the career plan, you will reach your aim without extra effort. Remaining in touch with the job market conditions and mentors will help you keep the course toward your end career goal.